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    Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management
    Cambridge, UK
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Meeting Report:
    e-sc-xxii-a4.pdf (2.25 MB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2003 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
      More Info
      Decrease in numbers of the eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi at Marion Island, 1994/95
      to 2002/03

      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, M.D. Greyling, N.T.W. Klages, D.C. Nel, J.L. Nel, S.L. Petersen and A.C. Wolfaardt (South Africa)
      More Info
      Population dynamics of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at Marion Island: long-line fishing and environmental influences
      D.C. Nel, F. Taylor, P.G. Ryan and J. Cooper (South Africa)
      More Info
      The oldest known banded wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at the Prince Edward Islands
      J. Cooper (South Africa), H. Battam, C. Loves, P. J. Milburn and L.E. Smith (Australia)
      More Info
      Unusual breeding by seabirds at Marion Island during 1997/98
      R.J.M. Crawford, C.M. Duncombe Rae, D.C. Nel and J. Cooper (South Africa)
      More Info
      Conserving surface-nesting seabirds at the Prince Edward Islands: the roles of research, monitoring and legislation
      R.J.M. Crawford and J. Cooper (South Africa)
      More Info
      Population of macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03, with information on breeding and diet
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper and B.M. Dyer (South Africa)
      More Info
      Population and breeding of the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, M. du Toit, M.D. Greyling, B. Hanise, C.L. Holness, D.G. Keith, J.L. Nel, S.L. Petersen, K. Spencer, D. Tshingana and A.C. Wolfaardt (South Africa)
      More Info
      Population, breeding, diet and conservation of Crozet shag Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, A.C. Wolfaardt, D. Tshingana, K. Spencer, S.L. Petersen, J.L. Nel, D.G. Keith, C.L. Holness, B. Hanise, M.D. Greyling and M. du Toit (South Africa)
      More Info
      Population numbers of fur seals at Prince Edward Island, Southern Ocean
      M.N. Bester, P.G. Ryan and B.M. Dyer (South Africa)
      More Info
      Absence of haematozoa in breeding macaroni Eudyptes chrysolophus and rockhopper E. chrysocome penguins at
      Marion Island

      A. Schultz and S.L. Petersen (South Africa)
      More Info
      List of participants
      More Info
      Modern mean monthly SST and SST anomalies off South Georgia during recent years (based on satellite data)
      G.P. Vanyushin (Russia)
      More Info
      Differentiated catchability of trawls as a method for a more precise estimate of density of krill swarms and its biomass
      V. Akishin (Russia)
      More Info
      WG-EMM Subgroup on Protected Sites: Terms of Reference – summary of CCAMLR decisions
      More Info
      History of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM (2001/02)
      More Info
      CEMP Indices 2003: analysis of anomalies and trends
      More Info
      General information about CEMP
      More Info
      Preliminary analyses in support of the CEMP Review Workshop: power analyses
      More Info
      Preliminary analyses in support of the CEMP Review Workshop: serial correlations
      More Info
      Krill fishery information
      More Info
      Diets of sympatrically breeding Adélie, gentoo and chinstrap penguins from Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, 1981 to 2000
      W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA), K. Salwicka (Poland) and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA)
      More Info
      List of documents
      More Info
      Krill biomass and density distribution in February–March 2002 in Subarea 48.3
      S.M. Kasatkina and A.P. Malyshko (Russia)
      More Info
      On commercial significance of krill aggregations
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      More Info
      Diseases outbreak threatens Southern Ocean albatrosses
      H. Weimerskirch (France)
      More Info
      Ecological games in space and time: the distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill and penguins
      S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)
      More Info
      An ecosystem-based approach to management: using individual behaviour to predict the indirect effects of Antarctic krill fisheries on penguin foraging
      S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)
      More Info
      Different CPUE types in Soviet krill fishery statistics in

      F.F. Litvinov, A.Z. Sundakov and V. Arkhipov (Russia)
      More Info
      Options for allocating the precautionary catch limit of krill among small-scale management units in the Scotia Sea
      R.P. Hewitt, G. Watters (USA) and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Foraging strategies of chinstrap penguins at Signy Island, Antarctica: importance of benthic feeding on Antarctic krill
      A. Takahashi (Japan), M.J. Dunn, P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), K. Sato, Y. Naito (Japan), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Distribution of foraging by female Antarctic fur seals
      I.L. Boyd, I.J. Staniland and A.R. Martin (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Energetics of diving in macaroni penguins
      J.A. Green, P.J. Butler, A.J. Woakes and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Shedding new light on the life cycle of mackerel icefish in the Southern Ocean
      K.-H. Kock (Germany) and I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Krill length frequency distribution in Subarea 48.3 in
      January–April 1988 in relation to sources of its origin

      F.F. Litvinov, V.N. Shnar, A.V. Zimin and V.V. Lidvanov (Russia)
      More Info
      Exchange of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans
      between the Prince Edward and Crozet Islands: implications
      for conservation

      J. Cooper (South Africa) and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      More Info
      Mackerel icefish ecological indices
      I. Everson (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and A.W. North (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Ecosystem indicators: factors affecting the choice of predator performance indices for use in monitoring programmes
      K. Reid (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Adélie penguin foraging behaviour and breeding success
      in seasons of contrasting krill availability (Mawson Coast, Antarctica)

      J. Clarke, M. Tierney, S. Candy, S. Nicol, L. Irvine and K. Kerry (Australia)
      More Info
      Demographic studies for CEMP
      K.R. Kerry, J.R. Clarke and L.M. Emmerson (Australia)
      More Info
      Short note: time series of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI) from 1952 to 2003, Antarctica
      M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)
      More Info
      Spatial variability and power to detect regional-scale trends
      C. Southwell and L. Emmerson (Australia)
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      Sources of variability associated with Adélie penguin CEMP parameters measured at Béchervaise Island, East Antarctica
      L.M. Emmerson, C. Southwell, J. Clarke and K. Kerry (Australia)
      More Info
      The effect of temporal variability on power analysis predictions for Adélie penguin CEMP parameters at Béchervaise Island
      L.M. Emmerson and C. Southwell (Australia)
      More Info
      The use of Antarctic shags to monitor coastal fish populations: evaluation and proposals after five years of test of a standard method
      R. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
      More Info
      An unmanned aerial vehicle as a platform for aerial photography of land-based predator populations in Antarctica: specifications and suitability of the Aerosonde Mark III
      L. Irvine and C. Southwell (Australia)
      More Info
      The utility of satellite remote sensing for identifying the location and size of penguin breeding sites in Antarctica: a review of previous work and specifications of some current satellite sensors
      C. Southwell and L. Meyer (Australia)
      More Info
      Power analyses of CEMP indices for penguins at Admiralty Bay and fur seals at Cape Shirreff and Seal Island
      G.M. Watters, R.P. Hewitt, W.Z. Trivelpiece and M.E. Goebel (USA)
      More Info
      Trends in bird and seal populations as indicators of a system shift in the Southern Ocean
      H. Weimerskirch, P. Inchausti, C. Guinet and C. Barbraud (France)
      More Info
      Antarctic fur seal predator performance indices for the South Shetland Islands 1987/88–2002/03
      M.E. Goebel (USA)
      More Info
      Suggestions on revision of CCAMLR Scientific Observers Manual
      S. Kawaguchi, R. Williams (Australia) and E. Appleyard (CCAMLR Secretariat)
      More Info
      Report of the international workshop on understanding living krill for improved management and stock assessment
      S. Kawaguchi (Australia) and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      More Info
      Developing a non-lethal approach for assessing endocrine disruptors in Antarctic seabirds
      S. Corsolini (Italy), W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) and S. Focardi (Italy)
      More Info
      Persistent organic pollutants in stomach contents of Adélie penguins from Edmonson Point (Victoria Land, Antarctica)
      S. Corsolini, S. Olmastroni, N. Ademollo, G. Minucci and S. Focardi (Italy)
      More Info
      Observations of Adélie penguins in two seasons with contrasting weather and sea-ice conditions – a brief report
      S. Olmastroni, F. Pezzo, V. Volpi and S. Focardi (Italy)
      More Info
      An 8-year cycle in krill biomass density inferred from acoustic surveys conducted in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands during the austral summers of 1991/1992 through 2001/2002
      R.P. Hewitt, D.A. Demer and J.H. Emery (USA)
      More Info
      Growth of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and age-size composition of populations in subarea of South Georgia
      K.V. Shust and E.N. Kuznetsova (Russia)
      More Info
      Synopsis of CEMP and non-CEMP predator parameters from Admiralty Bay and Cape Shirreff, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: their relationships to krill abundance and ice cover, 1978–2003
      W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA), K. Salwicka (Poland) and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA)
      More Info
      Report of the CEMP Review Workshop
      (Cambridge, UK, 18 to 22 August 2003)

      More Info
      Mackerel icefish size and age at South Georgia and Shag Rocks
      A.W. North (United Kingdom)
      More Info
      Populations of surface-nesting seabirds at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, M.D. Greyling, N.T.W. Klages, P.G. Ryan, S.L. Petersen, L.G. Underhill, L. Upfold, W. Wilkinson, M.S. de Villiers, S. du Plessis, M. du Toit, T.M. Leshoro, A.B. Makhado, M.S. Mason, D. Merkle, D. Tshingana, V.L. Ward and P.A. Whittington (South Africa)
      More Info
      Counts of surface-nesting seabirds breeding at Prince Edward Island, summer 2001/02
      P.G. Ryan, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, L.G. Underhill,R.J.M. Crawford and M.N Bester (South Africa)


      Expand All Annotations | Expand All Documents | Collapse All

      WG-EMM-03/1 Provisional Agenda and Provisional Annotated Agenda for the 2003 Meeting of the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management (WG-EMM)
      WG-EMM-03/10 Decrease in numbers of the eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi at Marion Island, 1994/95
      to 2002/03

      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, M.D. Greyling, N.T.W. Klages, D.C. Nel, J.L. Nel, S.L. Petersen and A.C. Wolfaardt (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/11 Population dynamics of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at Marion Island: long-line fishing and environmental influences
      D.C. Nel, F. Taylor, P.G. Ryan and J. Cooper (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/12 The oldest known banded wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at the Prince Edward Islands
      J. Cooper (South Africa), H. Battam, C. Loves, P. J. Milburn and L.E. Smith (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/13 Unusual breeding by seabirds at Marion Island during 1997/98
      R.J.M. Crawford, C.M. Duncombe Rae, D.C. Nel and J. Cooper (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/14 Conserving surface-nesting seabirds at the Prince Edward Islands: the roles of research, monitoring and legislation
      R.J.M. Crawford and J. Cooper (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/15 Population of macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03, with information on breeding and diet
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper and B.M. Dyer (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/16 Population and breeding of the gentoo penguin Pygoscelis papua at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, M. du Toit, M.D. Greyling, B. Hanise, C.L. Holness, D.G. Keith, J.L. Nel, S.L. Petersen, K. Spencer, D. Tshingana and A.C. Wolfaardt (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/17 Population, breeding, diet and conservation of Crozet shag Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, A.C. Wolfaardt, D. Tshingana, K. Spencer, S.L. Petersen, J.L. Nel, D.G. Keith, C.L. Holness, B. Hanise, M.D. Greyling and M. du Toit (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/18 Population numbers of fur seals at Prince Edward Island, Southern Ocean
      M.N. Bester, P.G. Ryan and B.M. Dyer (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/19 Absence of haematozoa in breeding macaroni Eudyptes chrysolophus and rockhopper E. chrysocome penguins at
      Marion Island

      A. Schultz and S.L. Petersen (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/2 List of participants
      WG-EMM-03/20 Modern mean monthly SST and SST anomalies off South Georgia during recent years (based on satellite data)
      G.P. Vanyushin (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/21 Differentiated catchability of trawls as a method for a more precise estimate of density of krill swarms and its biomass
      V. Akishin (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/22 WG-EMM Subgroup on Protected Sites: Terms of Reference – summary of CCAMLR decisions
      WG-EMM-03/23 History of development and completion of tasks put forward by WG-EMM (2001/02)
      WG-EMM-03/24 CEMP Indices 2003: analysis of anomalies and trends
      WG-EMM-03/25 General information about CEMP
      WG-EMM-03/26 Preliminary analyses in support of the CEMP Review Workshop: power analyses
      WG-EMM-03/27 Preliminary analyses in support of the CEMP Review Workshop: serial correlations
      WG-EMM-03/28 Krill fishery information
      WG-EMM-03/29 Diets of sympatrically breeding Adélie, gentoo and chinstrap penguins from Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, 1981 to 2000
      W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA), K. Salwicka (Poland) and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/3 List of documents
      WG-EMM-03/30 Krill biomass and density distribution in February–March 2002 in Subarea 48.3
      S.M. Kasatkina and A.P. Malyshko (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/31 On commercial significance of krill aggregations
      S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/32 Diseases outbreak threatens Southern Ocean albatrosses
      H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WG-EMM-03/33 Ecological games in space and time: the distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill and penguins
      S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/34 An ecosystem-based approach to management: using individual behaviour to predict the indirect effects of Antarctic krill fisheries on penguin foraging
      S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/35 Different CPUE types in Soviet krill fishery statistics in

      F.F. Litvinov, A.Z. Sundakov and V. Arkhipov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/36 Options for allocating the precautionary catch limit of krill among small-scale management units in the Scotia Sea
      R.P. Hewitt, G. Watters (USA) and P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/37 Foraging strategies of chinstrap penguins at Signy Island, Antarctica: importance of benthic feeding on Antarctic krill
      A. Takahashi (Japan), M.J. Dunn, P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), K. Sato, Y. Naito (Japan), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/38 Distribution of foraging by female Antarctic fur seals
      I.L. Boyd, I.J. Staniland and A.R. Martin (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/39 Energetics of diving in macaroni penguins
      J.A. Green, P.J. Butler, A.J. Woakes and I.L. Boyd (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/4 Shedding new light on the life cycle of mackerel icefish in the Southern Ocean
      K.-H. Kock (Germany) and I. Everson (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/40 Krill length frequency distribution in Subarea 48.3 in
      January–April 1988 in relation to sources of its origin

      F.F. Litvinov, V.N. Shnar, A.V. Zimin and V.V. Lidvanov (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/41 Exchange of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans
      between the Prince Edward and Crozet Islands: implications
      for conservation

      J. Cooper (South Africa) and H. Weimerskirch (France)
      WG-EMM-03/42 Mackerel icefish ecological indices
      I. Everson (United Kingdom), K.-H. Kock (Germany) and A.W. North (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/43 Ecosystem indicators: factors affecting the choice of predator performance indices for use in monitoring programmes
      K. Reid (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/44 Adélie penguin foraging behaviour and breeding success
      in seasons of contrasting krill availability (Mawson Coast, Antarctica)

      J. Clarke, M. Tierney, S. Candy, S. Nicol, L. Irvine and K. Kerry (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/45 Demographic studies for CEMP
      K.R. Kerry, J.R. Clarke and L.M. Emmerson (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/46 Short note: time series of Drake Passage Oscillation Index (DPOI) from 1952 to 2003, Antarctica
      M. Naganobu and K. Kutsuwada (Japan)
      WG-EMM-03/47 Spatial variability and power to detect regional-scale trends
      C. Southwell and L. Emmerson (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/48 Sources of variability associated with Adélie penguin CEMP parameters measured at Béchervaise Island, East Antarctica
      L.M. Emmerson, C. Southwell, J. Clarke and K. Kerry (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/49 The effect of temporal variability on power analysis predictions for Adélie penguin CEMP parameters at Béchervaise Island
      L.M. Emmerson and C. Southwell (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/5 The use of Antarctic shags to monitor coastal fish populations: evaluation and proposals after five years of test of a standard method
      R. Casaux and E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
      WG-EMM-03/50 An unmanned aerial vehicle as a platform for aerial photography of land-based predator populations in Antarctica: specifications and suitability of the Aerosonde Mark III
      L. Irvine and C. Southwell (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/51 The utility of satellite remote sensing for identifying the location and size of penguin breeding sites in Antarctica: a review of previous work and specifications of some current satellite sensors
      C. Southwell and L. Meyer (Australia)
      WG-EMM-03/52 Power analyses of CEMP indices for penguins at Admiralty Bay and fur seals at Cape Shirreff and Seal Island
      G.M. Watters, R.P. Hewitt, W.Z. Trivelpiece and M.E. Goebel (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/53 Trends in bird and seal populations as indicators of a system shift in the Southern Ocean
      H. Weimerskirch, P. Inchausti, C. Guinet and C. Barbraud (France)
      WG-EMM-03/54 Antarctic fur seal predator performance indices for the South Shetland Islands 1987/88–2002/03
      M.E. Goebel (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/55 Suggestions on revision of CCAMLR Scientific Observers Manual
      S. Kawaguchi, R. Williams (Australia) and E. Appleyard (CCAMLR Secretariat)
      WG-EMM-03/56 Report of the international workshop on understanding living krill for improved management and stock assessment
      S. Kawaguchi (Australia) and M. Naganobu (Japan)
      WG-EMM-03/57 Developing a non-lethal approach for assessing endocrine disruptors in Antarctic seabirds
      S. Corsolini (Italy), W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA) and S. Focardi (Italy)
      WG-EMM-03/58 Persistent organic pollutants in stomach contents of Adélie penguins from Edmonson Point (Victoria Land, Antarctica)
      S. Corsolini, S. Olmastroni, N. Ademollo, G. Minucci and S. Focardi (Italy)
      WG-EMM-03/59 Observations of Adélie penguins in two seasons with contrasting weather and sea-ice conditions – a brief report
      S. Olmastroni, F. Pezzo, V. Volpi and S. Focardi (Italy)
      WG-EMM-03/6 An 8-year cycle in krill biomass density inferred from acoustic surveys conducted in the vicinity of the South Shetland Islands during the austral summers of 1991/1992 through 2001/2002
      R.P. Hewitt, D.A. Demer and J.H. Emery (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/60 Growth of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) and age-size composition of populations in subarea of South Georgia
      K.V. Shust and E.N. Kuznetsova (Russia)
      WG-EMM-03/61 Synopsis of CEMP and non-CEMP predator parameters from Admiralty Bay and Cape Shirreff, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica: their relationships to krill abundance and ice cover, 1978–2003
      W.Z. Trivelpiece (USA), K. Salwicka (Poland) and S.G. Trivelpiece (USA)
      WG-EMM-03/62 Report of the CEMP Review Workshop
      (Cambridge, UK, 18 to 22 August 2003)
      WG-EMM-03/7 Mackerel icefish size and age at South Georgia and Shag Rocks
      A.W. North (United Kingdom)
      WG-EMM-03/8 Populations of surface-nesting seabirds at Marion Island, 1994/95 to 2002/03
      R.J.M. Crawford, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, M.D. Greyling, N.T.W. Klages, P.G. Ryan, S.L. Petersen, L.G. Underhill, L. Upfold, W. Wilkinson, M.S. de Villiers, S. du Plessis, M. du Toit, T.M. Leshoro, A.B. Makhado, M.S. Mason, D. Merkle, D. Tshingana, V.L. Ward and P.A. Whittington (South Africa)
      WG-EMM-03/9 Counts of surface-nesting seabirds breeding at Prince Edward Island, summer 2001/02
      P.G. Ryan, J. Cooper, B.M. Dyer, L.G. Underhill,R.J.M. Crawford and M.N Bester (South Africa)