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    Filling knowledge gaps east in Dronning Maud Land to inform MPA planning by CCAMLR (ECOgaps): Norwegian cruise to DML 2019

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    H. Steen, A. Lowther and O.A. Bergstad
    Submitted By:
    Dr Andrew Lowther
    Approved By:
    Dr Odd Aksel Bergstad (Norway)

    The aim of the ECOgaps is to improve the knowledgebase on physical conditions and biota east of the 0 meridian in the MPA planning Domain 4. Focusing on the Astrid ridge, the continental shelf off of Dronning Maud Land, and the Maud rise, multidisciplinary investigations will be conducted in 2019 by the RV Kronprins Haakon. In this working document, the cruise being planned is outlined. Aims and activities of the six scientific work-packages of the project are described.