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    Ichthyological investigation by fixed gears in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea) - species list and first results

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    M. Vacchi, S. Greco and M. La Mesa (Italy)
    Agenda Item(s)

    The species composition and bathymetric distribution of the fish fauna of Terra Nova bay (Ross Sea) was investigated during the 6th Antarctic Italian Expedition (austral summer 1990/91).
    Samples were collected using fixed gears (nets, hooks and traps) and working along four transects from the coast to off-shore, down to 680 m.
    The bulk of catches were Nototheniidae (10 species, 83 % by weight), followed by Channichthyidae (four species, 16 % by weight), Bathydraconidae (three species), Artedidraconidae (two species) and Liparididae (one species).
    A shift in species composition and abundance with depth suggests the presence of different assemblages of fish at different levels sampled.
    A detailed statistical analysis of catches in relation to various variables (depth, fishing gears, station, etc.) is also carried out.