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Analisis de los censos de Arctocephalus gazella efectuados en el sitio de especial interes cientifico no. 32, Isla Livingston, Antarctica

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
A. Aquayo L. and D. Torres N. (Chile)
Agenda Item(s)

According to the suggestion made by the Working Group at the CEMP-CCAMLR Meeting held in Viña del Mar (Chile) in August 1992, the information about four complete censuses on the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, carried out on Cape Shirreff and San Telmo Island, has been compiled with the purpose to clarify its population size, between the Antarctic seasons 1965-66 and 1991-92.
The results show that the population size of this species, in the study area increased during 26 years, form 50 animals counted in January 1966 to 10768 individuals registered in January 1992. It is recommended that future censuses carry out in the Cape Shirreff also include the breeding colonies of San Telmo Island, because these animals are part of the same population. San Telmo Island is a part of the SSSI No 32, designed by the Parties at the XV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.